Sunday, June 13, 2021

Mohammad Fatemi Ghani Success Story

DXN has been a blessing. Prior to, I was in the field of aviation working as an Aeronautical Engineer for over 28 years. The job was fine but there was no time, financial or travel freedom. I entered DXN as a consumer due to the health problems I suffered from for 10 years, and while using the products, realized there was more to DXN than health benefits through the DXN successful entrepreneurs whom I met along the way.

From working for someone and having a boss to becoming my own boss was a wonderful transformation. And that was the start of my journey to personal freedom.

Now, 9 ½ years later, my life has completely changed, all praise is due to Allah who has bestowed me with such blessings. Many people ask me about my secret to success. It is difficult to state all the factors, but all success is an outcome of overcoming challenges. Still, there are a few points worth mentioning, such as:

1. CHANGE - First I had to change my mindset to that of an entrepreneur. It took me awhile to transform my thinking because all my life I had been working for someone. Suddenly, I had to take charge of my new life as well as the lives of many who were joining me as business partners.

2. GOAL SETTING - After few months of joining DXN in 2003, I decided to do the business seriously. I made my goal to earn what I was earning from my salary. In 2 years time and by the grace of Allah and my team, I did achieve my goal. In 2005 I further decided to quit from my job in 2 years. In 2007, from a part timer, I became full timer networker. Since then I kept raising my bar and enjoyed each and every moment of my DXN journey. Right now my greatest joy is helping people to make their goals and achieve their goals.

3. EDUCATION - Being a new entrepreneur, meant educating myself in Food and Nutrition , as well as the Direct Selling Industry. The former was easy; I learnt the ABC’s of nutrition through various trainers in DXN, my own son, Janbaaz Ghani, who is a professional nutritionist from UBC in Vancouver, and I gained my certification in Food and Nutrition from IGNOU(Indira Gandhi National Open University).

In order to become a professional in Direct Selling, I joined Direct Selling Times and Direct Selling Universities. In addition, I attended many seminars, workshops, conferences and boot camps conducted by Direct Selling Gurus, namely, Tom Shreiter, Jerry Clark, John Di Lemme, Dr. Charles King, Tim Sales, Brian Klemmer, Dr. Ellie Drake, and many, many more. In addition to the above-mentioned, I enjoy reading books centered on Direct Selling & Personal Growth, gaining insight and knowledge through CDs, DVDs & magazines.

4. APPLICATION - After learning my direct selling business, I immediately applied it all to the field. In order to see the positive result, the application of knowledge was a big challenge but I made sure I evaluated and re-evaluated my success and failure. Every day I try to learn and apply something—for myself and for my partners.

5. BUILDING MY TEAM AND LEADERS - I worked hard to build the right team and few select leaders. Building team was easy but building team leaders was a mammoth task and I am still working on that. Building leaders is a continuous process and this where residual income lies.

6. COACHING AND MENTORING - After nearly 9 years, my focus is now on coaching and mentoring my team members and leaders. The toughest part of the business is understanding people and the closer I get to my leaders, the better I get in my business. Because our business product in DXN is not Reishi or Spirulina but people.

7. GOING GLOBAL - Now that DXN is spread in all the 6 continents, going beyond your own border is much easier. Expanding the business in different countries allowed me to have a bigger and stable dividend. The best part of DXN is either you open new country or see one of your team members from other countries. Go global.

8. TRAVELLING AROUND THE WORLD - It was my dream like most of the people to see the world. DXN gave me the opportunity to be part of International Travel Incentive Program. I was fortunate to see exotic Malaysia, Nepal, India, Singapore & Hong Kong; historical & rich Italy, UK, Belgium, France, Holland and Switzerland.

9. MOTIVATION - The Direct Selling business revolves around motivation. My motivation is the success of many leaders. In addition the training I conduct globally to see more leaders made. In 2012 my involvement with the Night Blindness Project in Pakistan had been my new driving force where I have seen many blind children re-obtaining their vision.

10. GRATITUDE - I am grateful to Dr Lim Siow Jin, who has provided the world with beneficial products and a powerful and do-able marketing plan, the DXN staff for continuous support, and each and every one of my dedicated team members and leaders. Last but not the least; I am grateful to my wife and children who have been behind the sacrifice and success.

My message to all: Motivation comes within; nobody can motivate you but yourself.

God bless DXN, God bless you all.

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